Name: Pam Marchetti

Born: Long Branch, NJ

Education: Associate of Science in
Computer Information Systems

Title: Office Asistant

Q. If you could have any super pwoer what would it be?
A. It would have to be a super power from the X-Men, like Wolverine. He is indestructible with the power in regenerate any wounds, and he never ages!

Q. What is your idea of perfect beauty?
A. Watching a sunset in Hawaii, on a cool summer's night, with a stiff drink in my hand!

Q. What is the biggest surprise you ever received?

A. Information about my first baby who was on the way. Hip-Hip-Hooray!

Q. If you could have dinner with any one person, who would it be?
A. Considering that the person is currently living, it would be David Blaine.

Q. Who is your favorite artist?
A. Salvador Dali.
Q. What frustrates you?
A. Bad drivers!
Favorite quote: "Failure to plan is planning to fail."

Jeffrey Cahill Pamela Marchetti Trent Welcome Trent Welcome Joanie Del Sordi Sean Cahill

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